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Sunday, August 1, 2010

You should probably ignore this ramble, i'm tired but felt like typing something, anything, up.

My life has become work-centric. So terri. I've worked for so many looong days now that my feet and legs have a constant ache and my cowerkers and i are running out of things to talk about. whether it be because we spend too much time together (12 hour days, possibly 7 days a week) or it's because we're just too tired to speak, i'm not sure.

but, tomorrow, i have no work.
i need this day. because i've been so worn down, i've been getting in shit. apparently i distract people and talk too much.
and i got in trouble for talking to this mechanic the girls have labeled as the "hot one."
but we were both working on the same dock, so it would have been ridic rude to ignore him or not help him when he needed assistance. right? but of course it was perceived as me being a flirty whore. but if i was flirting, then why was another of my coworker dudes chilling with us and why were we all working on fixing a boat? i'm pretty sure my flirtation skills are not so advanced that i can work two dudes at once while simultaneously fixing a motor boat.

to make myself feel better about all the trouble i've been getting myself into recently, i'm going to lay in the sun all of tomorrow morning. i bought the new elle to read while i do so. i've gone through all other north american august adition fashion mags, so it's all i have left. magazines and sunbathing have been my major crutches since work started.

if only the september instyle would just come out now.
I LOVE rachel bilson and i love instyle, so this would have been perrrfect. but oh well. as long as i don't have to do any hard labour tomorrow then i'm happy.

i'll be happier if i can get some actual colour though. work has given me stupid tan lines that need to be corrected asap. it's a full body farmers. arms, legs and ankles. i've never felt so sexy in my entire life.

and i don't know if you'll understand this reference at all, if you don't then it doesn't matter, but just for the record, work is giving me a certain grade 12 situation flashback. and it's just weird. it's like life wants me to re-live it again for kicks and giggles. summer needs to end so i don't have to deal with it anymore. it's how i imagine the twilight zone to be. had i ever watched any of the twilight zone, i might know if this makes sense or not.

i seriously hate when life makes me redo frustrating situations. i'm pretty sure i've learned my lesson. if i didn't learn it those few years ago, i doubt i'll pick it up now.

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