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Friday, August 20, 2010

At work the other day, some young girls kept asking all of us older girls "do you have boyfriends?" And when we all answered "no," the questions were followed by "why not?"
Why is it that kids seem to think boyfreinds are like accessories? I remember i used to think the same way. Harvey and Sabrina were my fav couple ever. They just seemed so perfect. Just look a them! I still love them.

Are we all still hooked on the idea of relationships, rather then the reality? Has much really changed since childhood? Maybe that's why some can't stand to be alone and some can't stand the idea of being tied to another person. All the ideas we've grown up with aren't necessary for relationships, yet we hold the ideas tight.


But i think i'll cling to my single status for a while longer anyways. Even though i know there are no real definitions and boundaries when it comes to reality, it just feels safer to be able to say i'm single. It's what i know.

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