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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Exercise and Such

During the school year, i think i'm going to take spinning class on monday/wednesday and a yoga class on friday mornings.
I need to stay in shape or else my heart issues will become more problematic, so i think these classes are doable and physical enough to keep me healthy.
I'm in pretty good shape right now because my job is very physical, but i need to keep it up. i'd also like to keep the bum my job's given me (i actually have a bum!) so i can use that as encouragement to keep me going.
I doubt i'm going to even me able to try out for the main-stage production this year (they won't send me the theatre emails!) and i don't know if i would even be able to get the time off of work. But, if i'm not in the play, that means i would actually have time to care about my health and put a lot of time into studying. I think about how much time i had to spend on theatre last semester...sooo much work.
Maybe i should take that time to figure out my health. Good idea?

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