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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I died?

Just got home from the hospital.
I had to have a tilt table test tone.
So unpleasant.
Pretty much, they strapped me down to a table, wired/drugged me up, then moved it about to make me have a fainting spell. Well, it went well for the doctors because i passed out while the bed/table thing was in a vertical position. When i woke up, the room was packed with doctors and i was still strapped to the table, but mostly upside down.
Apparently my heart stopped or some nonsense.
It was all very confusing and nauseating.
So now i'm home eating too much and watching Bridget Jones's Diary.
I loooove Hugh Grant.

But that's completely off topic.
Turns out, my heart isn't super crazy!!!! Its my nerve system. But it's manageable, so no terrible worries. Yayyyy

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