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Thursday, August 5, 2010

I keep having situations!!!!!

I'm having a bad situation regarding work.
Should i stay or should i go?
I want to stay!!!! i love working outdoors in the summer because that's what summer is all about; being i the sun. I've been outside so much that my hair's been bleached out and i actually have a tan.
Also, the people i work with are a lot of fun. I've only been at op for maybe 3 weeks, but i just love some of the people there. They're great.

But, i have this other job opportunity. It's only full time from later this coming week until i start school, and then it's just on weekends until mid october or something.
This job is a desk job working with the media, ours and foreign, regarding ontario.
Not as fun as the job i have now. I'd be stuck indoors and couldn't goof around and be silly with employees. Also, my tan (which i haven't been able to achieve since i was 11 and lived outside as a tomboy) would fad because it needs constant sun to keep up. seriously.

So it seems like an obvi choice right? to stay where i am?

The new job pays twice as much as i'm making now.

I have no clue what to do.
But i i accept, i'll miss out on fall parties in g! i only have class two das a week so i could do stuff during the week, but it wouldn't be the same. And, if i'm volunteering and doing theatre stuff.....when will i ever get to party and see people?

Such a problem.
And i need to make up my mind soon. asap. now.

All the money or the simple life, honey?
i used to loveeee this song haha

Gonna stay where i am. I'm happy there.

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