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Friday, December 10, 2010

Too much medicine

Spent the morning at womens college hospital. Again. 
I've only been home for about a week or two and i've already been there three times.
They still have no clue what is happening with my heart, but now they think i have iron issues.

I'll take iron supplements over cardiograms any day.
Unfortunately that day was not today.
Since i started getting these cardiograms, i've really noticed that i have good boob days, and meh boob days. I don't know why, but it just helps if i'm having a good boob day. I mean, when they do the cardiogram i look crazy, right? Topless and covered in electrode stickies. So it just helps my self esteem if my boobs look great. 
The good thing about this? My cardiologist says I can eat all the salt I want. I need to make sure i eat salty food every day.
Because of this, i've changed birth control pills. In the past i used to use yasmin and now I'm using yaz. Unfortunately, both are mild diuretics. Maybe it doesn't make much of a difference, but I should still try out another type and see if it helps. So, next month i'll be starting Ortho Tri Cyclin Lo. It's very similar to yasmin, so I think i'll like it.
I'm very nervous that the hormone change will give me acne though, so I got benzaclin as well. Nothing works better...unless you take minocycline. Best pill in the world....unless you over due it. Then you could turn purple.

I know too much about prescription acne medication don't I?

Oh well.
To distract myself, i'm going to look at bikinis i may buy and imagine that i could look like the models.

I really do like this blue...

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