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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

And now my legs are sore.

I've had quite a long day of shopping. 
From 1pm to 8pm straight.
I met up with a friend during the day but i had no luck except for a pair of cheap anthropologie earrings.  Nothing special but they're nice for day wear.

After catching up with Brooke, i met up with my sister for some REAL shopping. We started by getting my bridesmaid dress.
So stressful.
The store, Fashion Crimes on queen west, didn't sell anything small enough for me so we just picked the one we liked the best and will get it taken in.

I was actually kind of happy that everything was too big for me, and i know that sounds body dysmorphic ish, but hear me out. My body size normally is fairly small, so generally i need to wear the smaller sizes. But, with all my medicine, i've gained about ten pounds of water weight. It's extremely uncomfortable and just sits there on me like chub because i have zero muscle tone. So, i've had no idea what's going on with my body. Like i know my butts filled out...I think. But so have my thighs. And NOTHING has happened to my boobs, but my stomach is for sure affected. But, if i'm still small enough that Fashion Crimes dresses are all too big, then i must not have had a huge change in body size, right? I've been having horrible thoughts of having to buy all new clothes because nothing fits and i can no longer wear any of the things i already own.
So the weight is mostly just uncomfortable....good or bad thing?

Also while shopping, i bought myself a black bandage dress that i may wear for new years eve, and a red sweater that i've wanted for months but wanted to wait until it went on sale. Only the aritzia on queen was carrying it (trust me, i shopped on bloor, queen, AND at eatons today) and the only one they had was one in my size. Half price.
Waiting for it to be discounted actually worked for once. Usually they sell out of all the sizes i wear.
On top of this i got a cheap blue eyeliner for the eye makeup thing i want to do for new years. I did it for halloween but didn't have the right colour or the right tools at the time.
This time i'll get it right!
Trust me, it's tricky to do.
See below:

This time i'll be prepared!

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