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Sunday, December 26, 2010

And you ate the whole... wheel of cheese?!

So tired.
Spent the entire day at my grandparents in Oshawa. This may sound easy, but with the amount of people coming and going, it definitely is not.
To relax, i'm watching friends and drinking tea.
So good.
Feel pretty obese though. I ate my weight in christmas cookies today.
Kinda impressed with myself.

I promise myself that i'll start taking better care of myself once the winter semester starts.
This blood issue sets me up for a world of problems, so i have to be diligent about eating my veggies and staying away from the shiftier food.
No more microwavable bags of rice for me. 
I just want two more weeks of being extra disgusting until classes.
Pretty much, this blood problem sets me up for bone marrow issues which leads to aplastic anemia, and if a person gets that and it's sort of serious, they have a 75% chance of death within 5 years. If someone lives though this, they still have to do bone marrow treatments for the rest of their life. There's also a large chance of developing a blood cancer once the aplastic anemia gets bad.

So this sort of means the end of KFC for me.
It's a good thing i'm already lactose intolerant because the iron meds I take don't agree at all with dairy apparently. I haven't tested this theory and I don't plan to. The meds are great for giving me all the extra salt i'm supposed to take though! So while the pills conflict with my eating schedule because i can't eat in the morning or at night, i should definitely have fewer fainting spells. That's pretty positive! No more fear of fainting onto the subway tracks.

Know what my mother did this Christmas? She got all my relatives to add a salt shaker or some salt something to my christmas gifts.
I have so much random salt, i don't even know what to do with it.

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