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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Home for a rest

While it's nice being home for a break, it's not very healthy for my bank account.
All the christmas shopping isn't good for me. I keep buying things for myself!
Exibit A:

I'd take a pic of myself wearing them because that would be clearer, but then people would know what i look like....not so fond of that idea.
Perhaps in the future i'll try something like that, but it seems a bit too 'fashion blog' to me.

It is really nice being home. Probably one of the best parts of home is having my pets around. I always feel a bit guilty when i'm in Guelph and can't take care of them.
It can be hard to get a good picture of Lucy and Roxy. Roxy always likes the camera a bit too much, and Lucy couldn't care less.

The biggest perk of home? It actually feels like Christmas is coming. At school, everything is just work. It's nice to get away from that for a bit.
I should probably be doing work right now, but i've got a choice between two final assignments for one of my classes and i can't decide which one to do. So instead, i'm watching toy story 3 and eating christmas cookies.
I seriously am eating way too much these days. This morning i woke up and felt ill. But i ate breakfast anyways. And then i ate a second breakfast and i finally felt better. I was just extremely hungry. I ate 4 pop tarts and a large peameal bacon sandwich and a cup of coffee and a cup of tea. It took THAT much to make me feel full. And i'm already hungry again.
Perhaps ichiban and egg for lunch?
Not until this movie's over though. It's surprisingly stressful.

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