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Sunday, April 18, 2010


Well, i have a headache from crying.
Why was i crying? Not from any normal reasons.
Not because i'm sad the school year is ending, thus leaving guelph and drunken daily life with freinds.
Not because i'm stressed because of exams.
Not because i am jobless.
Not because of a guy.
Not because i ate buttercream frosted cake today, and also just had a box of ten timbits, meaning i'll feel super fat tomorrow, regardless of my actual weight.
I was crying because of a song. the theme song for the Land Before Time. So upsetting. Now my face is ruined for the rest of the day because i was bawling over the terribleness of it all.
It probably doesn't help that right before i watched it i found out that the little girl who did the voice for one of the main characters died at the age of ten because her dad shot her in the face and then murdered her mother.
Yeah, that def didn't help.
Cry with me?
Such a hormonal day. Damn you uterus! you win this round......

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