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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Am i any smarter?

I've been studying since 1pm and i don't think i've gained a single thing from it. All i know is that nazis are frightening and that i don't like grouping Turkey into asia. That's like when people say that Russia is part of Asia.
Have you ever seen a russian?
So not asian.
One glance at my landlord and this should be understood.
Russia is it's own area. It's freaking huge and completely distinct. It deserves its own title.
How the hell did i get into the topic of Russia?
I'm tired.
And i really want Dunkaroos. The ones with the vanilla frosting that has the colourful dot whatsits in it.
Alright, i need a plan for the rest of the night or i won't accomplish a single thing.
Next hour? read more from the textbook.
Hour after that? review the notes Joy and i made.
After that? watch south park and pass out.
Morning....whenever that is. Probably earlier than i would like.
Stupid uterus.
All i want to do right now is go downstairs and see what Ian is yelling about, but i must stay here and read. I must. Besides, i'm fairly sure he's yelling about sports, so i won't get it and will make the conversation about Dunkaroos.
I really want Dunkaroos.
Excuse me, I need to go be obese now.

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