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Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gonna drop an honesty bomb

So recently...these past months.....
i've been thinking about going vegan.
I was considering it waaaaay back when, but then i became lactose intolerant and that just threw everything off. but now i've adjusted to a life without deliciousness, so maybe i'm ready to get ride of everything else in life that tastes good to me.
I just feel really terrible for the animals. But they taste so good....this is how i think of it:
I have a pet bird. I love my pet bird. I eat other birds in front of my bird. Morally, this is fallacious.
I love baby pigs. I want one of those miniature pet pigs. I can't eat bacon in front of my pet pig. That would be wrong.
Some places in the world eat dog. I love my dog. I feel that eating dog is wrong because of this.
Some cultures believe that cows are very important and should not be eaten. I eat cow. Why is this okay if i think it's wrong to eat dog?
I'm a very emotional person who tend to feel empathy quite strongly. I feel that people are equal to animals and not better or worse. We all feel pain, we all feel affection, we all feel fear. for a long time i was able to separate pieces of meat from an actual animal, but i'm losing this ability and am now feeling more and more guilt whenever i eat meat or animal products.
Why must death taste like heaven? It's quite the conundrum.
Because i'm probably going to be really annoying about this, flip flopping on my morals and getting upset, i've been waiting until summer to test out this experiment.
Wish me luck?
Also, for the last few weeks of eating meat, i'll probably only eat meat out of desperation to savor the taste. I'm sorry if it gets disgusting. It's like when i started to believe i was lactose intolerant; i never ate so much dairy in my entire life.
Yeah, i'm disgusting. Sorry.
Hopefully i can be less gross in the future.

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