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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Health Update!

So i got some blood test results back today and they were not what I expected.
Before my blood was messed because it had no iron in it. So, i've been taking iron and something-i-forget supplements. Now my iron is fine, but the actual count has plummeted.

My body is just doing things to confuse me now isn't it? It's the opposite problem from before!

Well, at least I don't need that pacemaker. 

I talked to my doctor about my weight and all seems well. I still would like to gain some, at least for Cuba, but it's not going very well. Every time i think i've gained, it just drops back to 105.


I'm getting more tests done once i'm back from Cuba. I'd like to think my blood will be back to normal by then, but it'll probably be doing a whole new thing by that point. 

Every year it seems to be some new health problem. This is like a slow paced version of Final Destination.
Never bothered to see any of them, heard they sucked...

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