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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Countdown To Cuba: 11 Days

I'm heading to Cuba for my sisters wedding in a bit under two weeks and I think i'm almost ready.
I've got bikinis, shoes, dresses, makeup, sunscreen, clothing that can barely be called clothing...what am I forgetting?

I've pretty much got the bikini body that I want for Cuba. I'm fairly toned, could be a bit more so though, and I was hoping to gain a bit more weight. I keep sliding down to 106 lbs whenever I think i've gained anything. If i could gain just three pounds, equal fat and tone, i'd be happy. If i just get more tone, then i'll be too defined more my tastes. I need to be balanced.

I was hoping to have a bit more colour for the trip, but what can you do. Maybe all my freckles will connect and I'll be tan for once. As long an i'm not lobster red, i'll be happy.

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