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Friday, March 25, 2011

Enter Sandman

For the past while, I've been having terrible nightmares. 
I get nightmares fairly often, but these one's are different. In my normal nightmares, everything is fairly vague, and i'm just scared for some reason. These recent dreams are very vivid and gory. 

I've been having two types of nightmares.In the first type, I'm being attacked/hunted by either one or a few human crazies. It's very detailed with the gore and they are determined to kill me. Strangely enough, i'm actually killed sometimes. People always say you're not supposed to die in your dreams, right?

The other type of dream i'm having is where i'm being eaten or somehow mutilated by insects, whether they are crawling over me, eating me, or are under my skin or whatever and eating their way out.

These dreams are seriously messing me up. I'm not sleeping properly during, and when i wake up from them, always in a complete panic, i'm too upset to sleep again afterwards. I'm either disgusted by the gore or terrified someone's about to hack me to death.
And because i'm so sleepy, i've been messing up my medicine. The past two days i've actually left school because i would remember mid day that i didn't take my meds.

I feel like I must be having these dreams for a reason, something must be bothering me, but for the life of me I can't figure out what it is.

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