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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


TEN days until the end of classes and TWENTY days until the end of third year.
I'm really quite terrified for the school year to end.
After this is fourth year, and i don't think I'm ready for that yet. I'm especially not ready for what comes after fourth year. Don't even know what comes after fourth year...
It all seems horribly frightening.
Maybe that's why I'm having nightmares?
The real world is going to eat me alive/be the death of me?
Doubt it. 
That would be too simple.
Probably something more irrelevant, like my bedroom's too messy and it's unconsciously driving me insane.
Maybe I'm just hungry before bed and that disagrees with me.
Who knows.
All that matters right now if that I don't want third year to end, but it's inevitable.
At least it means that summer, a tan and a paycheck are not that far off.

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