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Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, new me? Probs not.

Now that it's 2011, i think i should make some goals for myself. 
A lot has changed in the past year, and i need to change my life to keep growing as a person.
The only problem is I don't know what changes to make.

There are the general goals that everyone has, like to lose weight or to get in shape, but those don't really work. I need to find ones that really apply to me.

Reducing the amount of processed sugar would be a good start. I also need to get more salt in my diet, but that's not as hard as reducing sugar so it isn't a worry.

I don't know if the recent weight gain is good or bad. It depends how much of it is water weight from medication. If it's just water then my bmi is still in the 16 point whatnots and is still considered unhealthy. If it's actual weight then my bmi has improved. I'm hoping that once my spinning and pilates classes start i'll gain some muscle mass.

Part of me wants to try and be more open to guys but i doubt that'll happen. Whenever guys approach me in bars it's just because they want a hook up and i don't think i'm there in my life right now. I can't just hook up with someone, i'm not like that. When i was younger i could, but now it just isn't appealing. Like, what if they have herpes?! Disgusting.

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