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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hating on fb again

I think i might take down my fb wall again.
I just don't use it! and something about the wall has always weirded me out...
Also, my birthday is in a month so i might disable it for that time period anyways. that way i can pretend like my bday isn't happening and no one needs to know i'm aging.

My housmates, how often do i actually write on your walls, even after you've written on mine?
Exactly, i just don't use it....barely use fb in general actually. But if i were to get rid of it i would feel too out of the loop and confused about life.
Maybe i could get rid of it? I could do it as a challenge, and then maybe stay off of it.
No, that won't work. I'd be too paranoid that there are sloppy pics of me up there that i don't know about.
Getting rid of it does sound pretty tempting though...might miss it for school things though.
Stupid facebook.

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