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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Birthday Blues?

I was feeling very gloom and doom earlier today.
You see, it's my birthday.
Many people love their birthdays, but that's never been me.
I'm not a fan. I find them intimidating. So much attention, so much pressure.
And then there's the whole one year older thing.
I've hated my birthday since I turned ten and left the single digits.
I think, maybe once I reach my 60's, I'll start to enjoy my birthdays. I'll be so surprised that I made it so far that I'll start looking forward to birthdays.
But 21 is pretty far from 60. It's also pretty far from 16...

But I'm feeling better now. I went out with my sister for the morning and then we went home and did family stuff. It cheered me up a bit.

And then I got my presents and now I'm verrry happy.
Happy Birthday to me!

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