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Saturday, January 22, 2011


Penrose fish and chips tonight.
Looks sketchy but it's amazing.

Birthday Blues?

I was feeling very gloom and doom earlier today.
You see, it's my birthday.
Many people love their birthdays, but that's never been me.
I'm not a fan. I find them intimidating. So much attention, so much pressure.
And then there's the whole one year older thing.
I've hated my birthday since I turned ten and left the single digits.
I think, maybe once I reach my 60's, I'll start to enjoy my birthdays. I'll be so surprised that I made it so far that I'll start looking forward to birthdays.
But 21 is pretty far from 60. It's also pretty far from 16...

But I'm feeling better now. I went out with my sister for the morning and then we went home and did family stuff. It cheered me up a bit.

And then I got my presents and now I'm verrry happy.
Happy Birthday to me!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Want these for the beach.
So cute.

The Blahs

Sickness has finally caught up with me.
After about a week of it tugging at my arms and wearing on my energy, I officially have a cold.
So, I'm giving myself the day off school.
My first class of te day is just of monologue presentations. I feel bad about not going because I want to be supportive, but i wouldn't be very supportive if I'm distracting my because I'm blowing my nose and sneezing.
My second class of the day will be skipped because I have to get my second Gardisil shot.
Last time I got it, I passed out.
So this should prove to be to be a spectacularly shitty day.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Mascara Review: Maybelline The Colossal Volum' Express

I tried out this mascara yesterday an absolutely loved it.
It's been sitting my makeup bag for about a year now, but i've never used it until now because I assumed my other ones were better quality.
This one is great though. 
It provides great volume and length and doesn't clump in the least. As well, it went on smoothly along my bottom lashes.
It lasted for a long time without any flaking and didn't go on thick or heavy.
Overall, I would give this a 4/5. 
I only took off one point because of how easily it comes off. If you're caught in the rain or cry, it will be smudged under your eyes within moments. I've never tried the waterproof version so i don't know if the quality would be equal to that of the non waterproof version, but it would be worth a try.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Well, apparently the zodiac has been wrong for the past hundred or so years, and everyones signs are a bit off.
So, I'm no longer an Aquarius and am now a Capricorn.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Got The Jitters

Moving back to the Guelph house today!
I'm excited to get back there, but also quite nervous.
For the first time since first year, i'll have a full load of classes, and four of them are english. I'm going to drown in reading assignments.

I think for the rest of January i'll be fine to go out both friday and saturday night, but come february there will be plenty of times where I'm probably going to need to pick which night I can go out and spend the other one staying in working/reading.

I'm dreading unpacking all my things. I have three suitcases and some bags. How have I managed this?!
Also, I bought a Magic Bullet. Now when we have fruit that no one is going to eat, just shove it in there with some orange juice and dessert soy. Instant smoothie! And I've had frozen berries in the freezer from september and this is my plan to finally eat them...success! 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Mascara Review: Elizabeth Arden Double Density Maximum Volume Mascara

Personally, I love this mascara.
It's really versatile, usable for day or night. Plus, it both thicken and lengthens the lashes, but to a realistic extent. None of those goopy, spider eyelashes.
There can be issues with clumps, but you just need to be aware of the brush and were you're placing the mascara.

When there are multiple layers, the the mascara can become a bit heavy on the lashes, but it is barely noticeable and is much lighter than any other mascaras. It wouldn't be a good choice for use over false lashes though. 

Overall, this is about a 4/5.
It has some imperfections, such as the brush, but it creates pretty enough lashes to compensate for this.


Having a family dinner soon because I leave for Guelph tomorrow.
I'm def buying more than I can eat so I can bring it to Guelph tomorrow for dinner.
I'll be embarrassed buying both a souvlaki dinner and a gyro dinner, but whatever.
Worth it to save on dishes tomorrow!

Stupid Dog

Today, my family and I interviewed a woman who may dog sit for us in the spring While we go to Cuba.
The woman's great and we're sure she'll do a good job, but she's upset our dog.
See, Lucy is terrified of the word "crate." It sends her running in fear.
This dog sitter used the word three times within the first five minutes.

After that, I spent about an hour trying to calm Lucy down and coax her out of my bedroom.
She always hides in my bedroom for some reason.

It is many hours later and she's still upset and scared we're going to put her in a crate.

I'll probably get no sleep tonight. Lucy will be pacing my room in a panic. 

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mascara Review: Buxom Mascara

While this is a good mascara, it isn't what I expected.
With a name like "Buxom," I expected very thick lashes. Instead, I got very long lashes.
The mascara is thin, but it coats all the individual lashes perfectly and layers well for either day or night lashes.

This is a great mascara if you have plenty of lashes, but if you have sparse lashes then you may want to reconsider buying this.

Overall, this is a good mascara. It goes on smoothly, creates length, does not clump, and does not flake. The only downside is its inability to thicken the lashes. This is perfect for layering over false lashes though. It's extremely thin and light, so the natural and fake lashes will appear the same colour without clumping them together or adding extra weight to the lid.

I'd give this a 4/5.


When I get the confidence up, I'm going to try the Brigitte Bardot look.
It's so intimidating, but so pretty!
Perhaps on the next big night i'll try it out. Seems like a need a reason to experiment with such a strong look.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Major Cravings

I've been craving McDonalds and Harvey's for about a month now and am about to go crazy.
If I don't have a quarter pounder with cheese, chicken nuggets with bbq sauce, a burger with extra pickles and everything on it and onion rings soon, I will have a breakdown.

Someone eat fatty food with me!!!!
Stupid new year and everyones dieting resolutions....

It's a good thing I'm on a Freshii kick right now or I would have nothing satisfying to eat.
Ohhh baby.

Mascara Review: Quo Pump Up The Volume Mascara

This seems to be a very general mascara. While it creates lashes that are relatively thick and long, it does not do anything extra special.
If applying several coats for more intense lashes, it will begin to clump. Also, with several coats, you will be able to feel the mascara on your lashes.
You could find the equivalent to this in the L'oreal brand. It isn't bad but it doesn't have that extra quality to make it worth buying.

If you're curious about this mascara then it wouldn't be mistake to buy it, but don't expect it create phenomenal lashes.
It's not for evening use but with a light coat or two it is fine for day wear, and on the positive side, it does not flake and is long lasting.

I'd give this a 3.5/5. There's nothing wrong with it, it just doesn't excite me.

What I'm Reading

Tom Brown's Schooldays By Thomas Hughes.
I'm only a little bit in but it seems pretty enjoyable....which is surprising. I'm generally not a fan on novels written in the 1800's. I know this is a huge generalization, but it's true. The language tends to bore me. 
This book is working out well though.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I think i might be catching my first cold of the season.
I've been doing so well though! But my mum and sister have both had one in the past two weeks, and now i'm getting the sniffles so i may be screwed.

There's a chance this is just dust allergies so here's hoping.

Mascara Review: Bare Minerals Flawless Definition Volumizing Mascara

I got a bunch of different mascaras for Christmas so i've decided to compare them with each other an my usuals as i go through them.

I thought I would hate this mascara but I was very pleasantly surprised.
It isn't flaky, didn't clump, and made my lashes exceedingly long.
I don't think my lashes have looked this good in ages. It might be too much lash for class, but would be perfect for night.
Also, if you're like me and have long bottom lashes, this mascara will work wonderfully. Usually mascara will cause them to be a clumpy mess so I just go without, but this went on very smoothly.

I have it in black and it isn't as dark as other black mascaras. It works well for me because I have light hair, but if you're a brunette, this mascara may not be enough for you. But, because this mascara layers well, this could work as a nice daytime mascara for brunettes who can handle longer lashes during the day. The lighter black would keep the look from becoming too intense while creating thicker lashes and a well defined eye.

For girls with light hair, I give this a 5/5, but for darker haired girls, only a 4/5. The feather effect it creates is great, but may not be strong enough for everyone.

A bonus, the mascara feels very light, not heavy as some do. Great if you want to put it over false eyelashes and do not want any more weight added to the lid.

Perfect for flirty, girly looks.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Spring needs to arrive now.

I'm so excited for all the 70's patterns and shapes for spring 2011.
They look so fresh and playful!

I also love that this includes high waisted everything still.
It just makes legs look so much better.
Back in the day, i could never pull off those skirts that sat low on the hips. Just terrible.
This is seems so much more wearable, at least for my body frame.

I also like that this reminds me of Charlies Angels.

What's not to love?
I especially love the colours. I'm not one to wear black and now there should be an abundance or bright and cheerful clothing.
Can't wait for spring!


Is anyone else scared of the future?
I used to think that i wanted to be a high school teacher, and now i'm not so sure.
I think i want to do a masters in public policy and administration....
But i'm not positive.
I have to have all these choices ready for 4th year, and that is creeping up very quickly.
Too much stress, not enough fun.
And when class starts again on the 10th it's going to be even less fun.

I'm thinking i might take a fifth year first semester to space things out a bit, and then i could take the rest of that year to work and have a break from school. And then i'd do the masters.

Scary stuff.


I'm actually dying waiting for spring to arrive.
I miss the warmth.
I miss having an income.
I miss shopping for things that aren't cold weather appropriate.
I miss my tan.
I miss bikinis!

Hating on fb again

I think i might take down my fb wall again.
I just don't use it! and something about the wall has always weirded me out...
Also, my birthday is in a month so i might disable it for that time period anyways. that way i can pretend like my bday isn't happening and no one needs to know i'm aging.

My housmates, how often do i actually write on your walls, even after you've written on mine?
Exactly, i just don't use it....barely use fb in general actually. But if i were to get rid of it i would feel too out of the loop and confused about life.
Maybe i could get rid of it? I could do it as a challenge, and then maybe stay off of it.
No, that won't work. I'd be too paranoid that there are sloppy pics of me up there that i don't know about.
Getting rid of it does sound pretty tempting though...might miss it for school things though.
Stupid facebook.

New year, new me? Probs not.

Now that it's 2011, i think i should make some goals for myself. 
A lot has changed in the past year, and i need to change my life to keep growing as a person.
The only problem is I don't know what changes to make.

There are the general goals that everyone has, like to lose weight or to get in shape, but those don't really work. I need to find ones that really apply to me.

Reducing the amount of processed sugar would be a good start. I also need to get more salt in my diet, but that's not as hard as reducing sugar so it isn't a worry.

I don't know if the recent weight gain is good or bad. It depends how much of it is water weight from medication. If it's just water then my bmi is still in the 16 point whatnots and is still considered unhealthy. If it's actual weight then my bmi has improved. I'm hoping that once my spinning and pilates classes start i'll gain some muscle mass.

Part of me wants to try and be more open to guys but i doubt that'll happen. Whenever guys approach me in bars it's just because they want a hook up and i don't think i'm there in my life right now. I can't just hook up with someone, i'm not like that. When i was younger i could, but now it just isn't appealing. Like, what if they have herpes?! Disgusting.
Happy New Years!!!