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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Summer Health Goal

I'm on a fitness kick and I'm determined to follow through!
The main issue is that I want to gain some weight and tone myself up. I checked my weight after my exams ended and my weight has plummeted again.

I checked my amount of body fat and only had 9%. That's disturbingly low so I need to rectify that. The amount of essential fat a woman should have is 10%-12%. Any lower and things will start to get messed. Athletes should have 14%-20% and the general fitness level is 21% to 24%. 

Over the summer I'll see if i can get to 14% and maintain that. Whenever I get stressed these days I tend to just drop weight, so if I just pay mild attention to it, hopefully i'll gain rather than lose again.

I can't just stop working out to gain weight, so I'm just switching around my workout a bit. More toning exercises and less cardio. So, today I only jogged for 30 minutes and did a bunch of floor work to hopefully gain some muscle mass and fix up my bum and abs for summer.

I didn't really realize how little fat was on my body until the other day. I was wearing a push up bra, but I could still see my ribs through my chest. Not a pretty look.  For a while i've been able to see my ribs, but usually a push up bra hides everything. Not anymore apparently. And I have such small boobs now, it just looks sad, regardless of the ribs. 

Focussing on weight is probably going to make me lose weight rather than gain, so wish me luck! 

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