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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stressing Out!

I've gotten so much work done this weekend, but I still have so much to do!
I've written 13 pages for my final play for my dramaturgy and playwriting class, and for the same class i have a paper due as well, and got about 10 pages down for that. It's only the rough draft, but that tends to be the hardest part for me.
Tomorrow I need to start my research paper on Robert Burns. Which means i'll be stuck in the university archives again.
I need to get these assignments done as soon as possible because next week exams start and i have a ton of reading to do.
I thought I finished my exams on the 18th, but it's actually the 16th. This sounds nice in theory, being done so fast, but this means I have to squish all my reading into a few days. And i have to read several thousand pages of dense and sometimes disturbing material.
Fuck my life, right?
I tried to do some last night before bed, and it was going alright...and then not so much. The narrator was telling a story about how he left Afghanistan because he broke the law. And because of the small crime he committed, his wife, whom he left behind, was brutally tortured and killed because of his mistake. And he went into great detail about it. After the part where her eye had been sliced out and the back of her head got bashed in and brain came out of the socket, I decided to stop reading and watch Superbad until bed.
Surprisingly, i had no nightmares. 
Thank you Michael Cera and Jonah Hill!

I'm a bit panicked about finishing school so early. I have no work yet! Ontario place doesn't do full weeks until June, just weekends starting in May. And the other possible job i may get doesn't start until July. And then in July i may work 7 days a week because i may keep the Ontario Place job for extra money.
So pretty much, i'm going to be insanely bored for two months, and then have zero time to myself for the next two months.
Also, I'm doing 3 distance ed courses too...
It's going to be a weird summer.

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