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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sack of Sadness

I'm feeling pretty down today.
It's the end of the school year, and I'm one of hose people who hate change.
Seriously, hate change.
And now i have to adjust to living at home again. Find a job. Figure out my life because I'm entering fourth year in the fall.
What that fuck am I supposed to do with myself right now?

I hate switching between the school year and home. I remember being so sad on my last day of work in september. Got all teary eyed on my streetcar home. Scared to leave Toronto again. And now I'm so sad to go back to that life! I'm just ridiculous, but I can't help it. I like routine. What if it's no longer like last summer somehow?

It can't help that I was extremely hungover and sleepy today. Death.

I think most of this is fear for the next school year, how it's my last year of university and I don't want to deal with all of the stress and big decisions that go along with that. I can't believe how old I am. Could have sworn I was only 16.

Here comes the stress tears!

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