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Sunday, November 21, 2010


I really need to get my life in order.
When i'm living in guelph, it is easy to forget that i have some health problems. And then i do things that negatively effect my health. So, i need to get this dealt with.
Tonight, i'll start jogging again, or if that doesn't happen, i have to go for a long walk. Something to get me moving about. And i need to stop eating such shitty food. I don't want to buy anymore groceries for the rest of the semester, but next semester, i need to fit veggies in in a big way.

I don't think i'm going to bother trying out for the mainstage next semester. I'm doing a full load of classes with no distance ed, so i'll be busy. especially with 4 of my classes being english classes. Hopefully i can get some of my reading done over the winter break!
Also, next semester i'd like to do a gym class. Spinning perhaps? or maybe a pilates...

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