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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Aren't I too young for this?

I have such a headache right now.
I'm trying to figure out my life right now. It's so much harder than i imagined.

So, here is what i'm trying to decide between:

Go into teaching:
  • Which means i need to go to teachers college for a year.
  • Getting an actual job could/would be painful.
Become a Drama therapist:
  • Would have to go to Concordia for two years...don't really want to move that far from Toronto.
  • Because it's an MA, i would be extremely busy and have little time for socializing. It could be a lonely two years.
  • Would not be as hard to get a job in DT as it would be to get a job in teaching.
  • Pay would be better
  • Also, as an alternative to Concordia, I could go to England to study. Drama Therapy is exploding there. If i want to get my MA in Canada, it's Concordia.
Go into Tourism:
  • Work my way into gov jobs through connections.
  • Would need to get an MBA eventually.
  • MBA would take two years and involve finance. Something i'm not good at.
I think before I decide on any of this, i would want to take a year off and just work. Maybe i would sublet my Toronto place if i didn't want to give it up? Going straight from undergrad into a two year MA could be deadly for my sanity.

These decisions are far too hard.
I feel like i just decided what i wanted to study in university. And now it doesn't even matter. Time to move onto the next subject to study.

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