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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh my....

I'm feeling so down from the play i saw tonight. The trip down was fun, but once the show started, i was quickly bummed out.
The play was about street youth, particularly about a few late teen/20 somethings from the middle place from downtown toronto.

The play was very well made. There were laugh's for sure. But there were definitely some low points. One of the saddest was right after the play when the actors held a question period with the audience. A group of girls in the audience were from a shelter downtown and very emotionally explained that they loved the play and that it truly touched them. It was quite the moment. Unfortunately, it has me feeling rather low. I don't think i've ever been kicked out of a holiday spirit so hard as this night has done to me. With halloween approaching, i've never felt less excited. If i go out, i may just throw something together. Perhaps i'll be a nerd? i just need to button up a shirt and tuck it into my pants, then dawn a taped pair of glasses.

Halloween is a frivolous time (one of the reasons i usually love it) and now i feel stupid for previously being excited. The play is based off of transcripts from the youth shelter. They were completely true, down to the last word. And it has me feeling like an asshole.

Go see this.

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