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Saturday, October 9, 2010


I really should be studying right now, but of course, that means i'm not studying.
It's too depressing.
My first midterm is for my historical literature class and it's just terrible. I can only read so much on the different types of concentration camps.
I get it. Everyone get f'd in the a. it sucked a whole lot for everyone. It still sucks for some people.
But i can't deal anymore.
For one, some of it is just too gory for me.
And didn't high school cover all of this?
This is just like the time i had to take that course on HIV and AIDS.
I can't read this stuff without being depressed for days.

This is a bad comparison, but it makes me feel the way i do after watching titanic.
That movie kills me a bit.
And so do these books.
But i must say, the course on AIDS was much worse.
Dammit, now i want to watch Philadelphia.

It's going to take Family Guy to cheer me up:

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