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Monday, October 18, 2010

Hate this day

Such a frustrating weekend.
  • Spent yesterday reading the first novel for my tuesday class.
  • Read the second novel this morning.
  • Am now writing a paper for a separate class.
  • Just got off the phone. Had a fight with the secretary of my dentist because should didn't want to book me on the one day i will be in toronto. I got the appointment in the end.
  • Know i should go for a run tonight but don't know if i have the time or energy. So aggravating.
  • Need to legitimately study my notes for my midterm tomorrow.
  • Want to shower right this moment but because i may jog later, i can't.
  • Am dying of boredom.
  • Am about to check my online banking. So scared.
  • Damn, now i'm hungry.

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