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Friday, July 2, 2010

A little mystery is nice.

I've got a love/hate thing for facebook.
One one hand, I abhor it. It's extremely creepy and almost everything you put on it can be turned against you. Something that's just jokes between friends can easily be misconstrued by family, and the same for potential bosses or acquaintances.
Also, all the pics? While they're fun sometimes, i don't like everyone having access. But going through all those people everytime i'm tagged or post an album? Not fun. And it's not a secret that creepers sometimes use pics to get off. So ew. On more than one occasion i've have creeps messages sent to me by guys browsing through my albums. But blocking pics from everyone? That seems excessive.
As well, i have a tendency to be stalked. Facebook really doesn't help this, it just makes it more effective.

On the other hand, facebook is seriously helpful. Almost all school projects get organized over it and the same goes for work and plans with friends.

So, what's a girl to do?
Well, i disabled my wall. I still have it, but only i can see it. I checked the last time i sent a fb post, and it was something like May. I just don't use it. I think i'll leave my pics viewable but lets see how long that lasts.

Honestly, i hate the invasion of privacy. I hate that silly posts i send friends can be viewed by ex-freinds, school aquaintances, and any just about any person i've ever had any kind of relationship with. Ever.

Where's the mystery?

My new job...probs everyone already knows all about me. I'm the newest of the new, so they're going to want to see if the new coworker is a slut/bitch/jew/asian/fatty/ana/hottie/ginger. And then the assumptions are made.

I've got no clue how i come across over fb. Maybe i do seem like a bitch. I probs come across as easy.

Hopefully people don't browse mine very much. I can't imagine it to be very compelling. I do have some good links though. Porkchop Sandwiches never gets old.....

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