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Friday, July 16, 2010


I don't have work today!!!!! yesssss!
unfortch it's because i have to see my cardiologists and do some test whatsits, but i don't have to go to that for another hour.
It feels so great to be able to sit and have a coffee, rather than guzzling water in 40 degree weather, while chasing around sugar crazed children.
although yesterday was pretty good. a young boy had a crush on me so he kept doing all my work for me.
AND some kids sneak attacked me with hugs.
best lunch break ever.

But that has nothing to do with anything.
Because i don't have work right now, i've been haunting mls.com, looking at toronto apartments.
I know that as soon as i'm finished undergrad i'll be be moving out of my parents house for good. they don't plan to keep living there much longer because it just doesn't make sense for them to do so. it's a five bedroom, five bathroom house in rosedale with a bar, gym and wine cellar. why do two people need that? it's stupid.
so obvi they want to move.
why would i move with them, forcing them to get a place with an extra bedroom, when i know i'd be moving out within a year of that? i may as well move out within a few months of finishing undergrad so i'm not being an inconvenience.

I'm getting really excited about having my very own place though. Sharing a place with friends is fun, but that's for school. After that, i think i'll just want a nice bachelor apartment somewhere close to the yonge line, maybe bloor west...so excited!
Now that this move is only two years away, it feels much more real than before when it was just a vague idea. I've been going through all my stuff, thinking about what i have already, what i'd need, what i could live without.
the fact that i've been making serious decisions about this makes me realize i'm really not 16 anymore.....it's not a scary thought, it's kinda exciting, and i'm actually taking into account money issues and what suits me best rather than what sounds great (but would suck in reality).
Really, i only have two more summers to spent in my childhood home: next summer and the summer after i graduate......

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