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Friday, July 23, 2010

Am i destined to be a Demi Moore?

Work was redic today. Working at 5am in torrential rain is not fun. it is not positive, it is not neutral, it is not natural. Just depressing.
Now i'm home safe after a terri hard day and the almost cold i've had for the past week is now a legit cold.
So, i'm watching Confessions of a Shopaholic while reading my reccent accumulation of mags to cheer myself up.
I think i've decided on what i should do with my hair for fall. I'm thinking that i'm gonna do a gisele bunchen type of hair style.

Before i was going to do the bangs with darker hair, but i'm just not feeling the severity at the moment. Maybe i'll do that once cold weather actually starts to kick in in obese november. But, the summer has given me a crazy freckly face so i feel i should embrace this.

Why fight it? my complexion wants me to look lighthearted, so i'll play along until the colour and freckles fade.
I'd post a pic of how redic my freckles look, but then strangers would know what i look like. not cool. so, it'll have to be a surprise.
on the plus side, my freckles get me more assistance when shopping because i look young and people worry about me.
the bad side that kinda overshadows all else?
15 year old boys are really liking me. it's uncomfortable. even 17 year olds think i'm too young for them. everyone who hits on me these days is roughly 5 years my junior. actually. no joke. i had a very uncomfortable moment today when buying sunscreen because of this.

if i continue aging like this, teaching highschool might not be a great idea. the visual age difference may be a bit awks.

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