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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nerding it out

I used to love Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Seriously. But then i sort of forgot about it. I knew that i loved it still, i just couldn't really remember why.
So i started rewatching the series. And by rewatching it, i mean i found an episode that i remembered that i liked which took place mid third season, and watching from there on.
And i loved it.
I will forever be a nerd because i can't escape my love for stupid paraormal stories with a sexy side.
Twilight, anyone?
But back to my original vamp love.

I once again have a crush on the actor who plays Spike

Yes, i realize something must be wrong with me. I think i have a thing for psychos, which doesn't bode well for my future.....i think it's the anger that gets me.....fml.

Also, i'm adding Sarah Michelle Gellar to my List. She's so obvious! how could i forgot about my main adolescent girl crush?!

And incase anyone besides me ever watched BTVS, did you also hate Riley? He seriously pissed me off. If a person's going to be a douche, at least be upfront about it and not act like some nice farm boy. Asshole.
Angel....he's alright. He always overwhelms me with his brooding thing, and then i get bored of the character, so he wasn't super special to me. He had his moments though....
And while she wasn't a majorly important character, I love Anya once the show went into the 5th season. She had some amazing one liners...mostly about money. Until the fifth season, she was just too grating to be funny.

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