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Friday, May 21, 2010

Making the best of it

Next week i'm going to be stuck inside my house for two days. Because? Because i'll have sticky pulse whatnots stuck to me.
I have to be tested for arrhythmia's and some other mysterious things, so this means i have to wear a holter monitor for 48 hours. Incase you're curious, this is what it looks like:

And you can't wear a bra with it so it would be super awks to wear outside. what with the wires hanging out and then the free lance boobs, leaving the house with this on would be terrible. So, i'm going to do what i can to be entertained when hiding out at home. I'm going to watch a disgusting amount of tv. and probably play sims. But watching general tv would be too pointless and boring, so i'm going to try to watch The Vampire Diaries online so it's like i'm in control of my day, and not hiding in shame. If the show sucks i'm going to be extremely pissed off. But if it does, my back up is an Indiana Jones marathon.

Obviously, all of this includes candy and timbits. But i won't be able to get those myself because i'll feel too ashamed of my part robot self. Although, i could stock up on the candy beforehand....if i can find a place that sells jelly babies i'll be sooooo happy.

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