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Sunday, May 23, 2010

Beans beans the musical fruit

I did some googling and this is what i've found about beans in dreams.


1. To see or eat beans in your dream, signifies your connection to your roots and to humanity. Consider what binds you to your community. Alternatively, beans are symbolic of the soul and of immortality. They also relate to fertility.

2. This is a bad dream. To see them growing, omens worries and sickness among children. Dried beans, means much disappointment in worldly affairs. Care should be taken to prevent contagious diseases from spreading. To dream of eating them, implies the misfortune or illness of a well loved friend.

3. Seeing beans in your dream usually represents those things in your life that provide emotional nutrition. Things that you love, adore and need. In particular, if you’re a woman, you’re probably dreaming about having a baby (fertility).

Other interpretations suggest a bean signifies your roots and connection to society; and symbolizes your soul and immortality.

Oddly enough, my giant attack of the bean dreams always involve my fams death or that they're in danger. You can imagine just how weird these dreams are. So, maybe these definitions are actually onto something.....or i'm a crazy who's subconsciously terrified of beans.

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