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Friday, February 11, 2011

Spaz Attack

If you know me, then you know that I'm a person that likes to maintain control of things that immediately impact me. It's small things, like how i can't go out unless i've blown dry my hair, applied makeup, that sort of thing.

This is especially so when it comes to any type of medication.
I'm about to start a new type of BC, and I wanted to google it to get reviews. I always do this. Even if i've been on one for more than a year, i'll check out the online reviews for it every few weeks.

I'm about to start Ovral and I've only managed to find a single review of it.

I'm about to start hyperventilating.
Usually i'll go through ten pages of google results, and every link will have several dozen helpful reviews.

Unfortunately, it seems people are only taking Lo Ovral...
The hell?

Now i have no clue what to expect! And i know that when it comes to birth control everyone is different, has different responses and bla bla bla, but I need the reassurance that others, many others, have liked Ovral.

I guess by Sunday morning I'll know if I have any reactions to it, but that just seems so far away. 
I want to know now!

I really should be studying right now. My schedule has me down to finish a novel and a half tonight, but now all I can think about are the possible reactions i'll have to this new pill.

If I get fat i'm going to be so mad. A girl deserves some warning.

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