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Friday, February 25, 2011

Too Much

Don't mean to sound old and out of touch, but why the hell are there so many candy kids and 90's style rave kids all over Toronto?
It's weirding me out.
I just don't understand.
How is that look popular again? I can get the atmosphere thing because of dubstep making drugs and shit mainstream again, but why the clothing? Where does a person even find these things? It's giving me flashbacks to when i was in grade school and my sister was in highschool and brother was in university and all their friends looked and dressed the same way as these current candy kids.
Fucking weird.
I'm blaming those platform sandals popping up everywhere like it's 1997.
I remember my sister wearing something almost identical to this to her grade 7 school dance.
Just terrible.
Too 90's too soon. Kids clearly can't handle it! And to be perfectly honest, as much as I like/love Gwen Stefani, I'm not ready to see pimply faced teens walk around with makeup from the early No Doubt days.

Ugh, please no. I can stand the chubby girls with muffin tops wearing the 70's crop tops, but not this! Not the 90's! 


I just love her. And what's not to love? 
That hair! That body!
Just gorgeous.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


I really want to get into proper shape for the summer. I've bought some crop tops and I intent to wear them! But i also plan to look good in them.
So, my fitsipration?
Gwen Stefani. She's gorgeous! And i think i have a similar shape to hers. Rather boyish, on the thin side. So, with some decent work, maybe I could achieve this? 
I hope so, otherwise i just bought some stuff i'll never get to wear...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

About to file a missing persons report.

Where has Sienna Miller gone?!
Once, she was everywhere, bounding around in cute outfits, with hair making it look like she just rolled out of bed. I love that look! Probably because that's how i do my hair every day. It's been a while since i've combed my hair after sleeping in it.
Anyways, Sienna Miller has gone missing from my life. 
What is she wearing these days?
Does she wear those Rachel Comey Mars boots? I hope she does. I could never find them anywhere, so she would of course have them. Next time i see a picture of her, she'll probably be wearing the beige ones, making me just that much more jealous of her.
I need some Sienna in my life! And those boots. But now it's far too late in the season for them. And because I live in Canada, they probably won't even be available here until the fall.
So many frustrations...

It's love.


I seriously want this dress. It's so Sookie Stackhouse, I'm in love!

EDIT: Neeeeeeever mind. I tried it on and from the front: so cute! And then my sister asked "why so 16 and pregnant?"
It's a poofy skirt and it poofs in a way that makes a very impressive and realistic baby belly.
So annoying. Everything else about it was adorable!

Scream 4!

It's getting closer to the release of Scream 4 and I'm so excited.
I think what I like about it is that it's a scary movie that I can handle. It's more like a stressful game of clue than a real horror movie. And really, it's not very stressful, being satirical and all.

I'm excited to see how all the actors mesh in this one! There are so many famous actors in it this time, it will either be amazing or terrible. Incase you're curious, some of the actors involved are:

Courtney Cox
David Arquette
Adam Brody
Lucy Hale
Neve Campbell
Emma Roberts
Hayden Panettiere
Alison Brie
Kristen Bell
Shenae Grimes
Nancy O'Dell
Anna Paquin

That's kind of a lot of people. But because it's a satirical movie, it would be hard to make this a bad thing, right? I watched the second one recently and all the celebrity pop ups only added to the movie. Specifically, Luke Wilson and Tori spelling when they do a reenactment of the school stairwell fight.
So good.
From watching the preview, my guess is that Anna Paquin and Kristin Bell are going to be the ones to die in the opening scene. And considering how many of the characters are female, maybe the killer will be female? There are a bunch of lesser known male actors though, so it's probably one of them. Macaulay Culkans younger brother Rory Culkin is in it and he's a little bit creepy. So, if it's a dude, my bet's on him. But then again, who's to say it's just one killer?

If David, Courtney or Neve die, then i'll be super pissed. They've made it so far! It would just be annoying to have some newbie killer take them out...unless the killer is somehow tied to one of the original killers. But if it's just some psycho, then I WILL have a fit.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Brooklyn Decker

Doesn't apply very well because I'm fairly flat chested in comparison, but whatever.
A girl can dream!

Saturday, February 12, 2011


My hair is falling out. 
What do I do?!
What does it mean?!
Is this an iron related thing or is this something else entirely?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Worst Weekend Ever

My Weekend of Hell Schedule

Read Death on the Nile and get a chunk of The Secret Agent done.

Finish The Secret Agent, read Equus and get well into Great Expectations.
Also, begin my research paper, get about halfway through.
And on top of this, i need to go buy some medicine as well as The Coral Island, Equus, and The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.

Finish reading Great Expectations, and get a good chunk done of The Sound and the Fury.
Then finish my research paper.
And then plan my english presentation and write my theatre scene.
Get a wax.

Finish The Sound and the Fury.
Start reading the Invisible Man.
Study for my midterm.

Everything else can wait for later in the week and reading week.

Wish me luck!


I really want these soffe shorts for jogging. I saw them in the new edition of Womens Health and I think they're just so cute! And they're super short so I wouldn't have to worry much about strange tan lines.
I think I have the legs to pull them off, but if not, i'll just use them when I jog on my tred mill.
They're just so perfectly basic....and short....and only ten dollars. What's not to love?
And don't worry, I wouldn't wear green ones with a yellow shirt. I may like my clothing small, but I'm not colour blind.

Spaz Attack

If you know me, then you know that I'm a person that likes to maintain control of things that immediately impact me. It's small things, like how i can't go out unless i've blown dry my hair, applied makeup, that sort of thing.

This is especially so when it comes to any type of medication.
I'm about to start a new type of BC, and I wanted to google it to get reviews. I always do this. Even if i've been on one for more than a year, i'll check out the online reviews for it every few weeks.

I'm about to start Ovral and I've only managed to find a single review of it.

I'm about to start hyperventilating.
Usually i'll go through ten pages of google results, and every link will have several dozen helpful reviews.

Unfortunately, it seems people are only taking Lo Ovral...
The hell?

Now i have no clue what to expect! And i know that when it comes to birth control everyone is different, has different responses and bla bla bla, but I need the reassurance that others, many others, have liked Ovral.

I guess by Sunday morning I'll know if I have any reactions to it, but that just seems so far away. 
I want to know now!

I really should be studying right now. My schedule has me down to finish a novel and a half tonight, but now all I can think about are the possible reactions i'll have to this new pill.

If I get fat i'm going to be so mad. A girl deserves some warning.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


My inspiration to get in shape for the summer!


Anna Paquin

Marisa Miller