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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My plan for tomorrow

Well, i have a lot of things to get done.
So, the order of which to do things?

1. Do readings for about 3 or so hours. I'm very behind. What shall i blame for this? The flu.
2. Eye brow waxing. They are heinous. It looks like i'm trying to be brooke shields. ew.
3. Get groceries. This is right by the russians so i can do this after my eyebrows.
4. Chill. Perhaps go to the bake sale? I have been mad craving cupcakes!
5. Go for a jog!
6. Shower because i will stink.
7. Eat....a lot.
8. Chill
9. More reading....hurrah....
10. Fix hair and pass out with possibly more chillin in there.

Ahhhhh fack, I also need to clean.... I also kinda want to go to the mall....maybe just walk to the mall and back rather than jog? I need to ease into this stuff. I haven't been jogging since July!

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