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Monday, September 6, 2010

Do not fear me gypsy, all I want from you is your tears

I went to the CNE with my sister and future brother in law today.
I don't think i've ever been so obese.
But would i take back eating that german sausage, funnel cake, doughnut, cappuccino and Jelly babies?
No way man.
And i'm sooo excited to eat my candy apple later tonight, along with the bag of Tiny Tom Doughnuts.

We didn't do much, just shopped a lot and played some games.
I got my fortune told and it was the biggest load of crap ever.
Apparently i'm getting married in four or so years.
And get ready guys, i'm gonna have 3 kids.

I seriously want those ten dollars back. The gypsy could have at least given me some tears to make up for such a pathetic excuse for a palm reading.
I bet she wasn't even a real gypsy.

Now this is what i call a gyspy.
Maybe if she told me i was going to get married, then i'd believe it!
Just look at her. You know she knows her shit.

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