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Sunday, September 5, 2010

FIsh Crisis? Ahhhh, Fiscal crisis! (insert you understand the Shopaholic reference)

I just checked out my list of required school books for this semester and am truly horrified.
$500?! is this serious?! i take english and theatre.
My life is a joke.
Looking over the books though, i should be able to find used versions at half price. and a definite plus, the books look pretty good! At a glance i thought one of the books listed was Confessions of a Shopaholic and almost died, but no. It was Confessions of a Justified.
I have to read 26 novels this semester, but i should be able to handle that well. I think the one book i'm not looking forward to is The Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde. You know the entire time i'm reading it, all i will be thinking is:

I was Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll Hyde Hyde Jekyll
Jekyll Jekyll Hyde
Jekyll Hyde!!!!!

It's already begun.

I'm nervous to read The Shining. I didn't find the movie scary, but everyone who has read the book says that it's terrifing in comparison to the movie.
Reading Peter Pan will be a nice pick me up though. And i've already read A Hundred Years of Solitude and Handmaids Tale.
Success! That narrows my book count down to 24.

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