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Thursday, September 30, 2010

To Do

1. Go to the post office
2. Jean and boot shopping!
3. Possibly look for a costume
4. Look for a nice red lipstick. they really need to match your skin tone properly, you know? so much harder than pink.
5. Work out
6. Study like mad. How are midterms already here? And suddenly papers! Ugh. Gross.

Back in Toronto

My mom decided to welcome me home with a dozen cupcakes from the Cupcake Shoppe.
i've already devoured all the chocolate ones with pink icing.
They're obviously the best.

My dad felt a stern lecture was the best way to welcome me home. Apparently he's worried that I might be killed. I swear, everytime i visit home i receive a lecture on ways i may killed.
On the bright side, i'll die full of cupcakes.
Ps. I was also told i'm never to ride a bike in toronto. That's a sure way to be killed.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My plan for tomorrow

Well, i have a lot of things to get done.
So, the order of which to do things?

1. Do readings for about 3 or so hours. I'm very behind. What shall i blame for this? The flu.
2. Eye brow waxing. They are heinous. It looks like i'm trying to be brooke shields. ew.
3. Get groceries. This is right by the russians so i can do this after my eyebrows.
4. Chill. Perhaps go to the bake sale? I have been mad craving cupcakes!
5. Go for a jog!
6. Shower because i will stink.
7. Eat....a lot.
8. Chill
9. More reading....hurrah....
10. Fix hair and pass out with possibly more chillin in there.

Ahhhhh fack, I also need to clean.... I also kinda want to go to the mall....maybe just walk to the mall and back rather than jog? I need to ease into this stuff. I haven't been jogging since July!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I officially have wrinkles.
I wanna die.
Life is done.
Sorry Conan, but Eric Northman's taken your place.
Best fictional character ever.

I need it!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Do not fear me gypsy, all I want from you is your tears

I went to the CNE with my sister and future brother in law today.
I don't think i've ever been so obese.
But would i take back eating that german sausage, funnel cake, doughnut, cappuccino and Jelly babies?
No way man.
And i'm sooo excited to eat my candy apple later tonight, along with the bag of Tiny Tom Doughnuts.

We didn't do much, just shopped a lot and played some games.
I got my fortune told and it was the biggest load of crap ever.
Apparently i'm getting married in four or so years.
And get ready guys, i'm gonna have 3 kids.

I seriously want those ten dollars back. The gypsy could have at least given me some tears to make up for such a pathetic excuse for a palm reading.
I bet she wasn't even a real gypsy.

Now this is what i call a gyspy.
Maybe if she told me i was going to get married, then i'd believe it!
Just look at her. You know she knows her shit.

Guinea-Mice are pretty good too.

I saw Cloverfeild the other day so now i'm watching Southparks 'Pandemic: The Startling.'
Loves it.
Pretty much, it's Cloverfeild, but the monsters are giant Guinea Pigs in animal costumes like bunnies and bee's.
My fav?
The Guineasaurus Rex.

Everyone needs to watch this episode. It's just too cute.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

FIsh Crisis? Ahhhh, Fiscal crisis! (insert you understand the Shopaholic reference)

I just checked out my list of required school books for this semester and am truly horrified.
$500?! is this serious?! i take english and theatre.
My life is a joke.
Looking over the books though, i should be able to find used versions at half price. and a definite plus, the books look pretty good! At a glance i thought one of the books listed was Confessions of a Shopaholic and almost died, but no. It was Confessions of a Justified.
I have to read 26 novels this semester, but i should be able to handle that well. I think the one book i'm not looking forward to is The Case Of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde. You know the entire time i'm reading it, all i will be thinking is:

I was Jekyll Jekyll Hyde Jekyll Hyde Hyde Jekyll
Jekyll Jekyll Hyde
Jekyll Hyde!!!!!

It's already begun.

I'm nervous to read The Shining. I didn't find the movie scary, but everyone who has read the book says that it's terrifing in comparison to the movie.
Reading Peter Pan will be a nice pick me up though. And i've already read A Hundred Years of Solitude and Handmaids Tale.
Success! That narrows my book count down to 24.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Yay and Ugh

Very good day shopping with my sister.
We went to winners (i was so bitter) because my sister wanted to check it out for deals, so obvi i had to deal with it. and hidden amongst the many pairs of roxy and dollhouse (the fuck?) jeans were a pair of paige jeans in my size. aaamazing. the same pants cost somethign like $210 at aritzia and was only $90 there. sooooo happy!

i also got this redic sweater.

It's too funny. I had to have it.

sudden change in topic, i'm majorly disgusted. my mum's watching some discovery channel thing about this giant fish called a Goliath Grouper.
Pretty much, it's a fish that grows to be 800 pounds and can eat people because it's huuuge.
so disgusting.

this is just like when i learned about camel spiders.