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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Vamp Invasion

So, i decided to check out True Blood and The Vampire Diaries. I watched Buffy back in the day, and obvi Twilight, so why not compare them? I was curious to see if they were all seperate ideas, or just repeats of each other.

Buffy was def an original vamp idea. Buffy is the only one where the female lead isn't a hormonal idiot and the aim was to kill all vampires, rather than live amongst them. Also, the one doing the killing? Buffy.

Not some shirtless dude.

The Vampire Diaries is pretty much just jacked shirtless dudes running around.

Surprisingly, it's kind of good. I didn't watch the early episodes because they were complete crap, but then they killed off a bunch of people and the show became legit entertaining. From what i saw, it wasn't terrible. It had a lot of overlaps with other vamp shows, but it was written in the late 1980's, so if anyone stole ideas, it wasn't The Vampire Diaries doing the steeling.

Twilight is Twilight. What can you say about it? The Vampires in it are kinda pussies. This is the only vamp story where there's no extreme violence. How is this possible? They're freaking vampires.....If The Vampire Diaries has close up shots of peoples fingers being chopped off with kitchen knives then I think Twilight should be able to handle some violence.

True Blood is a bit different. When i first tried to watch it, i thought to myself, "why am I watching ugly porn?" If i wanted to watch ugly porn, i'd watch a movie staring Ron Jeramy.
It gets better though. By that I mean the ugly porn becomes regular porn. At some point the show becomes a real show. And then it gets good. I stuck through the porn because there are some amazing characters. Not porn characters, but all of Sookies friends. Like Lafayette. Amazing. Bill Compton though....i don't know.

I think I might be team Eric.
Oh yeah, def team Eric.
Bill's just a bit creeps. At one point Sookie is visiting his grave, believing him to be dead, and suddenly he bursts out of the ground and they're fucking. I think my reaction was "wtf is this shit?" I don't think i'd appreciate that if i was Sookie. For one, Bill looked terrifying. And he was muddy.
The violence is a lot more extreme in True Blood, but it works. There's always a hint of humor to keep it from becoming too morbid.

The new season of True Blood starts tonight, and it's good enough to keep watching. Twilight and The Vampire Diaries? Eh. Twilight only worked for me in book form, and The Vampire Diaries...kinda forgettable....i should probably watch all the episodes as well, rather than a select few....

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