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Sunday, June 12, 2011


I'm feeling really down today.
I blame my stupid stomach lining thing. 
It's making me feel terrible, it's ruined my weekend, and now I'm bored as fuck.
Maybe it's a good thing though, I'm actually getting some school work done. This is the first time i've touched my textbooks since I bought them...
Hopefully it'll go away soon. I got some meds so my hope is that by wednesday i'll be fine again. I'm actually dying for some coffee. I never realized how much I drink it. And now that I can't...uuuugh. There are no words, just disgruntled sounds.
If I'm not better by next weekend and end up doing nothing again then I'm going to freak the fuck out. And then probably cry. 
But at least i'll do really well on my assignment due next week...


Actually feeling pretty good right now, just sleepy. 
Hopefully i'll feel even better in the morning! I have a lot to do when i get to the office tomorrow, so i really hope so. I barely got anything done on friday because i was so gross, so i really need to make up for that on monday...

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