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Monday, June 13, 2011

Cheer up kiddo

I'm sorry i'm such a dump right now but i just feel so stuck in a rut. Work and school have already been sucking the fun out of my summer, and now this stupid stomach thing...blerg.

I just feel very out of control. I at least think that's the issue. It's hard to make really exciting plans with a full time job and school getting in the way, and now that i'm sick, i feel even more limited. It sounds like it could be a month until i'm worry free from sudden sharp pains. That takes me half way into July....poo.

So, i'm going to make a list of things i'd like to do this summer, and hopefully i'll get to do them. Once they're written down, they'll legit be on my mind for planning. And then i'll have things to look forward to, rather than slowly going insane working with data and whatnot.

1. Go to the zoo!
2. Gay pride parade
3. Beach time
4. Cottaging
5. Various club nights (Tryst again?)
6. Go to the Ex and be a fatty
7. After-party for the wedding reception
8. See some plays (kinda want to see the ghost one by Mirvish, even though i hate the Mirvish family)
9. Niagara/Montreal weekend?
10. Taste of the Danforth
11. Midsummer Nights Dream in High Park with concealed booze
12. St Lawrence market for hungover peameal bacon sandwiches and random shopping
13. Guelph reunion
14. Take a dance class (I can't dance)
15. Pick strawberries!
16. Get some tanning/freckling time

Those are sixteen things I could think of off the top of my head, and I know there are more things I want to do. Shitty thing is is that there are only 12 weekends left in the summer break. If i want to do this shit then i need to get it together!

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