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Friday, July 1, 2011

Figuring it out.

I'm sorry for abandoning my blog! Things have been very busy. But, it's a long weekend and I actually have some time to breathe, a nice change.

Surprisingly, I'm really liking my summer job, even though it's in finance. It keeps me busy and slightly drained. But, I still get to have fun, be dumb and all that. I'd write more, but I'm scared of my boss finding this and being pissed.

My sister and brother in laws wedding reception is coming up in two weeks and I still need to figure out a dress and whatnot. And hair and makeup. Uuuuuugh. But i've got no money. I may end up having to wear something I already own, so I'm probs going to look like a tramp. As usual.

In other news, I'm trying to plan the rest of my life. And it's getting messy. Right now, there's a good chance that I'm going to go abroad (South Korea) for a year after university to teach english. I've been researching/talking to different organizations that help you get your visa and job lined up, but i can't really make any commitment yet, need to see how fall semester goes first to know if i'll graduate on time. If i drop a class, i'll probs go into an extra semester and that changes when i could leave and whatnot. I'm also just very scared of going abroad for a year alone. For Korea, you need to sign a 12 month contract. There are huge perks, but still, 12 months is 12 months. A lot of places i've looked at talk about couples going together, that just seems to much more comforting than going alone. I'm also just worried that going abroad won't help my career at all, just put my life on hold for a year before doing teachers college. A lot also depends on family stuff. But it's not really worth going to europe or any other country in asia. I wouldn't be paid half as much, and one of the main reasons I want to go to Korea is that I can save some serious money to pay for teachers college or whatever it is I decide to do...

In the end, I may end up working in government. From what i've seen this summer, they have insane perks, like, so much vacation and such high pay for simple jobs! And if I could get back into FSCO and then move into a different ministry, like tourism, that would be pretty amazing. Its a boring job for someone young, but once you're older and more settled, doing a family thing or just done with being an idiot, it's probably one of the best places to work. So, if I went abroad for a year (or two) and came back and started working my way through the ministry...that could work for me...

And don't worry cait, I'd still want to go RVing. I'd probably want to leave for Korea around August/September, so I could still go to the states. And, hell, I may not even go abroad. That's a year away, a lot can happen in that amount of time. I could be dead by then, or knocked up (pretty much the same thing in my eyes, either way my life would be over).

Fingers crossed all goes well! Feeling a bit less overwhelmed after writing that down. Now to deal with school...

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